How to Become an SEO Expert? Follow These Steps!

How to become an expert at SEO? A Step-by-Step Guide

Learn the key steps to becoming an SEO expert. Discover the required skills and knowledge: on-page and off-page optimization, link building, analytics, and more.

According to the Search Engine Journal, about 78% of businesses considered effective SEO strategies' creation one of the primary purposes at the beginning of 2022. Specialists explain this trend through the great efficiency of search engine optimization. E.g., a properly fulfilled SEO campaign may attract up to 1 000% more online visitors compared with a social media one.

Numerous entrepreneurs strive to plan and embody optimization strategies by themselves. However, only some e-business owners have enough experience in this branch. As a result, company holders spend much more funds when promoting their products or services. To help entrepreneurs decrease expenses, specialists created a short guide for those wanting to improve their SEO skills. So, let's dive into it!

Key Pros of Becoming an SEO Expert

The Skills Required to Be an SEO Expert

What Do SEO Experts Need to Know?

➡ Key Search Engine Operation Features

➡ Keyword Targeting and Relevancy

➡ On-Page and Off-Page Optimization

➡ Importance of Link Building

➡ Analytics and Reporting

Best Resources That Help to Become an SEO Expert

Bottom Line

Key Pros of Becoming an SEO Expert

Those who have web promotion skills may save not only money but also time. That's because qualified SEO specialist selection is usually quite a complex process. Moreover, even using certified professionals' services, e-business owners are recommended to learn at least some search optimization basics. Otherwise, entrepreneurs won't be able to properly evaluate such specialists' work quality. That's because SEO campaign results commonly occur not immediately but after some time. Among other benefits, specialists highlight:

1️⃣ Significant reduction in dependence on search optimization agencies.

2️⃣Ability to improve current web promotion campaigns. That's because entrepreneurs with SEO skills, as experts in branches within their businesses, may create individual strategies by adding some specific details that would help to achieve established goals plainer and faster.

3️⃣Capability to raise its own website's traffic and rankings singly. 

4️⃣Decrease corporate expenses. Web promotion isn't a disposable thing. This is due to SE operation algorithms permanently changing. 

Additionally, it's worth noting that no e-business can survive without search optimization. That's because of the high competitiveness of the modern online environment. Nay, SEO is incredibly important for marketers nowadays.

The Skills Required to Be an SEO Expert

Each search optimization specialist should have some personal qualities besides professional skills. The essential individual characteristics are:

1️⃣ Ability to analyze. It's critical for SEO specialists to be able to work with huge data amounts, look for problems and causes of such difficulties, as well as find solutions in non-standard situations.

2️⃣ Capability to express thoughts clearly. SEO specialists frequently cooperate with people who know nothing about web promotion. Therefore, they often need to talk about complex technical things in simple words.

3️⃣ Communication skills. To get timely information about significant changes within their profession, SEO specialists should regularly participate in various conferences, talk to other search optimization experts, etc.

4️⃣ Patience and sense of humor. SEO is about permanent changes and problem-solving. Thus, web promotion specialists need to remember that they don't save lives. They only try to attract more visitors to sites. Thus, it's not necessary to punish yourself for mistakes here.

In addition, SEO experts should have basic programming skills. Otherwise, it would be pretty hard for them to deal with their work.

What Do SEO Experts Need to Know?

Initially, specialists should realize the importance of search optimization. That's why SEO experts have to know the following stats:

➡ visitors coming from organic searches are about 51% of the whole traffic on a site;

➡ nearly 75% of searchers don't browse the second and following SERP;

➡ almost 68% of all actions online begin with SEs.

Thus, regular web promotion is vital for keeping e-businesses profitable or increasing corporate income today.

Key Search Engine Operation Features

Here, SEO specialists need to deeply learn the following main stages of how SEs process information on the internet:

1️⃣Crawling – this is scanning updated or new web content for adding to the index and further internal handling. Remember, the mentioned step isn't about ranking! For more detail, visit Google Help.

2️⃣Indexing – here, the found pages are added to the index. After that, the system organizes new data. Indexed pages may be shown in search results. However, SEs occasionally index pages without accessing their content. More information about that can be found here.

3️⃣ Rang – site list formation according to a search query. The more relevant a website is to a search query, the higher the SE places it.

SEO specialists should understand what to do within each of the mentioned stages to "make" a search engine rank a certain site as high as possible.

Keyword Targeting and Relevancy

Modern search engines choose relevant pages by analyzing numerous factors. Among the most significant is text content scanning. So, words and phrases in texts on a particular page should be relevant to each separate query to appear in search results. Thus, SEO experts need to select the right keywords to use in articles along with product descriptions on websites. To get more insights on keyword research, go here.


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On-Page and Off-Page Optimization

SEO specialists work with external and internal factors within web promotion campaigns to receive a more significant effect. So, on-page optimization includes:

➡ work with images – experts choose the right picture format and quality;

➡ internal linking creation – this involves making links from one site's page to another;

➡ website commercialization – this involves "About Us", "Terms and Conditions", "Contacts", etc., pages along with chatbots creation;

➡ proper texts making – content should be relevant and properly structured, as well as include necessary keywords;

➡ technical optimization – here, experts check and simplify website script, look for non-working links, etc.;

➡ analyzing customer behavior – this involves tracking the stay length and actions of visitors on a site.

Off-page optimization implies mostly publishing news or press releases on popular external online resources. Sometimes, SEO specialists also use crowd marketing methods here.

Importance of Link Building

As a part of web promotion, SEO experts often place links to necessary pages on popular or relevant websites (online forums, blogs, etc.). The links, e.g., may be included in articles (it's called "Outreach") or used as references to a source. But optimizers should carefully select the right websites to place links. 

Analytics and Reporting

To make sure that the chosen SEO strategies work effectively, specialists have to monitor the campaigns' effects regularly. Such an approach helps detect and avoid possible problems, find ways to enhance results, etc.

Best Resources That Help to Become an SEO Expert

Optimizers should track blogs of experienced web promotion specialists to learn something new and stay updated with the latest changes. Among the proficient SEO bloggers, it should be highlighted, for instance:

➡ Andy Crestodina — co-founder and CMO of Orbit Media Studios, top-rated speaker at conferences, dedicated to SEO, social media, analytics, and content strategy. 

➡ Neil Patel – one of the most reputable SEO specialists worldwide;

➡ Brain Dean – a well-known link-building expert;

➡ Joost de Valk – a creator of one of the most popular WordPress plug-ins, Yoast SEO.

➡ Eric Enge – a famous SEO consultant, successful entrepreneur, outstanding speaker, and great author.

Search optimization specialists should not only read the recommendations of these bloggers but also try to implement the tips to improve their skills.

Bottom Line

Nowadays, SEO is just a must-have for those having their websites, blogs, or e-stores. That's because search optimization not only saves funds and time, but also allows businesses to be developed independently.

To become SEO specialists, website holders should get the necessary lore and permanently improve the gained skills. Finally, as search engines will be around for numerous years, web promotion learning is one of the smartest investments today.

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Ekaterina Hordiienko

Blog Editor

With the help of search analytics data and other sources, I conduct SEO research and analyze different lines of business. My content is derived from extensive data for SEO specialists and digital marketers. My past years have been filled with specialized courses in SEO, programming basics, and digital marketing. Throughout my career, I have also spoken at various conferences.